Saturday, June 20, 2009


This is very familiar route and i must have travelled n number of times on this. The road is good and you cross Haryana to reach city beautiful called Chandigarh.

On the way at Karnal we stopped for a while at a place called Haveli and like expected got people looking at our car with lot of interest. Few security guards came and asked us about the taj Mahal photograph put on the car. They recognized and said this is the same hotel where.....

I spoke to them and they knew about it and were concerned asking us, whether everything is fine now, what happened after fire...etc etc..

Great ..

Infact everytime somebody overtakes you this slow down and give a smile reading the messages on the car.

Atleast we brought smiles on peoples faces while driving...

4 hours drive and we were at Chandigarh...

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