Friday, July 17, 2009


The drive from Goa to Pune is yet another experience as you need to cross Amboli hills and ghats which is an experience. Once you do that you reach beautiful green Meadows as if someone has painted earth with green paint brush.Wait ! after the green Meadows you reach Pune kolahapur Highway where you don't need to worry how fats the car can go..because you can just zoom your way till you reach Pune ghats which is yet another beautiful drive through long tunnels.. the green Meadows on both the sides
You could catch series of waterfalls on Amboli hills the heavy rains made them look deadly and beautiful

what a sight, streams of water through the fog

On top of the hill taking a break with Babush with hot bhujias and tea...

this one was an experience at the Toll meeting all the security guards who were very eager to know about the car and what we were doing. We obviously obliged them and they were enthused

As you cross the ghats you wonder whether to drive or to look at these spectacular sights of water falls

on the roads, with lights on..a great sight


we were at the hotel at 5 to be greeted by staff and press. Mr Ravi Pillai the general manager addressed the staff and helped me in communicating the Spirit Of Taj to people present in the hall. A good interaction as staff were enthused about the idea of connecting all Taj Hotels with a feeling of togetherness.
One of the assoc iate who was present in mumbai that time shared his horrifying experiences and we all had an emotional end to the talk.

Evening was freeand for a change i took a walk to Koregon the area behind Taj. I went German Bakery an eatery behind Taj for old time sake since i used to come here when I was in Aurangabad studying. and i loved the change. Mkre so i got a chance to talk to people at the place when a guest sitting next to me asked me about the India map on my t shirt..

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