Saturday, July 18, 2009


Taj Auranagabad was like home coming. We reached at 1 after 4 hours journey from Pune. i was delighted to be here as i have worked in this hotel during my IHM days.
we had a nice interaction with staff and some students working there. They were happy and supported the cause well. Fews of them came and spoke to me personally and i was touched by there gesture of loving there company..
Thanks to them, they arranged a radio Mirchi interview with me and all the staff heard it live on radio..
I met this guest Rajinder from Atlanata who works for a film production house and he is on a trip to India with his production guys to find a suitable location for a documentary/movie. He came to know about my trip around India and was excited and asked me all those places I visited. with Incredible India fresh in my memories i gave them few great locales as per his requirement. we had a great talk, he wanted to see my blog we exchanged cards and he said a lot about warm friendly service of Taj Residency Aurangabad and other Taj hotels he stayed in.

trying find the way from Delhi to Aurangabad :)

he wa s atrained musician and he gave me few lessons in Jumbe ..he wa brilliant

Great buddy it was great meeting you and sure like i said no better way to explore India but thru Taj hotels on roads.

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